The author.
Original photo by Darlene Hall
NOTE: Interviews are from oldest to most recent, going down.
The Odd Mind interview hosted by Lesa Trapp
The Mortal Vampire BlogTalkRadio interview hosted by E.W.
Interview with The Mortal Vampire, Part II - Stephanie Osborn RETURNS,
hosted by E.W.
The Key to Midnight BlogTalkRadio interview hosted by M.J.
Ten Quick Questions with Stephanie Osborn, by Dave Tallman
A Conversation with Stephanie Osborn, by Jean Henry Mead
Burnout and the Shuttle Columbia Disaster by Stephanie Osborn, on Jean Henry Mead's blog
Books for Boomers: Burnout by Stephanie Osborn on Red River Writers Live
Missa Dixon: Stephanie Osborn, Author of Burnout on Missa's Urban Homesteading
Blazing Trailers: Meet Stephanie Osborn
Premium Views with Morgan Lawrence, interviews Novelist Stephanie Osborn
The Future And You with Stephen Euin Cobb, interviews Novelist Stephanie Osborn
Video: Writers Stephanie Osborn & Jennifer Mulvihill at MidSouthCon 2010
Stephanie's latest interview with feline interviewer Mean Kitty and her typing slave, Jody
Wallace, is up! Have a look at it, and at Stephanie's opinion of cats! (Yes, she's a cat person.
She likes dogs too, but can't leave a dog at home unattended while going off to conventions.)
Also have a look at the interview with Stephanie's cat, Elrond!
Stephanie's interview on Missa Dixon's Urban Home, 7 Nov 2010
An article in The Examiner, 6-11-11
An article in the literary section of The Examiner, 6-14-11
Imaginouncing Stephanie Osborn at LibertyCon 2011
The International Thriller Writers have featured The Case of the Displaced Detective: The Arrival
and At Speed in their Jan 2012 online newsletter, The Big Thrill, along with a featured interview!
An interview with Holly Lisle!
A Book And A Chat blog by Barry Eva
A Book And A Chat podcast hosted by Barry Eva
This isn't strictly an interview, but I'm mentioned in esteemed company, and it is truly an excellent essay
on the relationship between science and science fiction.
Look what makes a guest appearance in Chris Muir's webcomic, Day By Day!
According To Hoyt, Sarah A. Hoyt's daily blog, has a guest blogger! Sarah asked me to talk about
my research in the writing of the Displaced Detective series, and I was happy to do so! Article for A Gathering of Southern Sherlockians 2012
New interview on Bad Girls, Good Guys, and Two-Fisted Action!
The Examiner reporter lists me as a featured choice from FandomFest!
The Examiner reports from FandomFest!
The Weird Review also reports from FandomFest, via video interview!
Chattanooga Pulse interviews me about upcoming LibertyCon!
The Examiner interviews Stephanie for National Book Month!
WUTC Public Radio interviews Stephanie about her Displaced Detective series!
WUTC Public Radio companion audio
Is Sherlock Sexy? Stephanie Osborn's The Displaced Detective Returns on National Geek Examiner
The Examiner reports on Imagicopter news!
The Examiner reports on The Fetish and the EPIC Awards!
Book in the Bag's Writer Wednesday - Stephanie Osborn
New article on 221bCon! Enjoy!
New Interview on "It's Elementary!" Month 2013
DragonTalkRadio, 23 May 2013
The Fringe, KTKK Radio, Salt Lake City, 30 May 2013
Networker for Business Women did a wonderful, fun interview with me!
The Chattanoogan, prior to LibertyCon 2013
Literary Examiner does a feature on my books!
Review from Here interview
Read the wide-ranging, no-holds-barred interview that Shiny Book Review did with me!
Cool interview on Renee LIVE! from TMVCafe webradio!
Mysterious Writers turns its microscope on Displaced Detective!
CBS Sunday Morning discusses Sherlock Holmes and last year's 221B Con! Also found here.
Free Pie Night on TMVCafe webradio, discussing Displaced Detective book 5, A Case of Spontaneous Combustion.
Pulped! hosted by Tommy Hancock, discussing Displaced Detective book 5, A Case of Spontaneous Combustion.
Talking Treason with Kender & Kilgore discussing the Displaced Detective series and her new release,
book 5, A Case of Spontaneous Combustion.
The Chattanooga Times Free Press discusses LibertyCon
The Funky Werepig interviews Stephanie about A Case of Spontaneous Combustion!
The Wicked Edge interviews Stephanie about the space program and her writing!
Science 2.0 talks to Stephanie about her career in the space program and more!
[NOTE: the interview starts at about 19:50 into the show]
Dark Oak Media Presents: Retro Radio!
DragonCon Discusses Creating Aliens!
The Rocket Scientist and the Quantum Thinker, Selling in a Skirt with Judy Hoberman, Tough Talk Radio Network
Speculative Fiction Cantina, Writestream Radio Network
Sean Taylor's "Bad Girls, Good Guys, and Two-Fisted Action" blog has an authors' roundtable on Sherlock Holmes in which I participated!
Fully Disclosed podcast
The Chattanoogan, Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Chattanooga Now, Thursday, January 29, 2015
Chattanooga Free Press, Thursday, January 29, 2015
Pairanormal discusses the "Gabriel's Trumpet phenomenon on TMVCafe webradio, 20 February, 2015
Remembering Leonard Nimoy, available as a free MP3 download: Cafe Enigma-Leonard Nimoy.mp3
The Exploding Spaceship reviewers for Bull Spec magazine put me and my Displaced Detective
series in their list of faves for International Women's Day!
Sean Taylor's "Bad Girls, Good Guys, and Two-Fisted Action" blog has an authors' roundtable on
"When the Sh*t Hits the Fan: Ramping Up Toward the Conclusion" in which I participated!
AReCafe features me for the first full week of April 2015!
We Choose Respect podcast for parents
Global Radio/TV interview, originally aired 12:30pm, 17 October 2015, as a live simulcast on Live365 radio and Ustream television
The Fear with Michael Johnson, 20 October 2015
Mission Date Night: Fiction Friday talks Displaced Detective with the Interstellar Woman of Mystery!
D. Alan Lewis interviews me on his blog!
Authors Talk About It and I discuss Sherlock Holmes!
Spinning Logic's Jason Havey and I discuss life, the universe, and books!
Unredacted with Rachel Marsden talks space and science fiction!
The award-winning Murder by 4blog does a tag-team interview with the author of Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse! Part 1.
The award-winning Murder by 4blog does a tag-team interview with the author of Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse! Part 2.
The award-winning The Naked Talk with Alex Okoroji
My interview on The Kovaks Perspective:
Art's Reviews, from 27 February 2016
Angie's Diary interview, Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The Eddie, Jason & Chris Show, Monday, July 18, 2016
The Midnight Ocean (or listen on YouTube), Wednesday, October 5, 2016 -- This is one of the best interviews I've ever done, and it's certainly the longest, clocking in at 4 hours! Listen in segments, or put it on while you're doing something else!
FMAM showcases Author Stephanie Osborn, October 2016
FMAM showcases Artist Darrell Osborn, October 2016
Late Night in the Midlands interviews Stephanie Osborn, December 2016
Off the Chain interviews Stephanie Osborn, January 2017
Also available here.
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