A Displaced Detective Novel by Stephanie Osborn
Reviews are posted top = oldest, bottom = most recent. There is a division
between quotations and links, again with the topmost being the older ones
and the bottom being most recently published.
Tommy Hancock, host of One-Two Punch on TMVCafe, gives both volumes of The Case of the
Displaced Detective his highest rating of TKO!
I just finished "The Arrival" and immediately bought "At Speed." Thank you, this is a
lovely reinterpretation of my favorite detective.
~~Cedar Sanderson, 5 Jan 2012
So I read two really good books this week, both of Novelist Stephanie Osborn's
Displaced Detective novels. I'm eagerly awaiting #3, now...
~~Cedar Sanderson, 6 Jan 2012
Dan Hollifield, Aphelion webzine
Teddy's Rat Lab reviews Displaced Detective
Wow! I'm reading Stephanie Osborn's book The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed.
Who knew that Scientists could harbor thought like that! Probably the *Best* Love Scene
I've read!...Just about any grade school boy can write "Porn", but to describe a love scene,
and make the reader "see" the scene, without revulsion, takes a wordsmith of power.
~~Clifford Clingan
A Book And A Chat blog by Barry Eva
A Book And A Chat podcast hosted by Barry Eva
Nooga.com Article for A Gathering of Southern Sherlockians 2012
27 April 2012
I've been a member of the Nashville Scholars [of the Three-Pipe Problem] since 1987.
I am the Keeper of the Ritual, and the web designer for www.nashvillescholars.net.
I get Sherlockian books in the mail from lots of people eager to use our website as a
launching pad for their books. Often I am disappointed in what I read, feeling that the
author really has little understanding of what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was all about
with his Sherlock Holmes stories.
Not so with Stephanie Osborn, our own Boswell (SCAN). And I helped her launch her
double book story about Holmes in the future not just because she IS a rocket scientist,
but because she has a firm grasp of storytelling, character, dialogue, and imagination.
She also understands how to handle Holmes in plotting his actions in another time. I
found The Case of the Displaced Detective a marvelous read, and will relish further
Sherlockian stories from this talented writer.
Jim Hawkins
Member of Nashville Scholars, a Sherlock Holmes society.
Employed by Southwest Airlines since 2001.
A Nashville, TN resident since 1985.
The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed is a read for the romantic. Containing
romantic sensuality, intrigue, mystery and suspense, it lures the reader in deeper with
each page. All readers will enjoy his further adventures and deepening relationship with
Skye, the brilliant scientist responsible for saving his life, not once, but twice, at risk to
her own life. Written by talented author, Stephanie Osborn, it is one of those tales guaranteed
to make fans of any genre look for the next installment of the Displaced Detective. From
the worrisome opening to the suspenseful ending, Ms Osborn has crafted a tale expanding
the possibilities of the famous detective's legend.
~Anne K. Edwards, author of Shadows over Paradise and The Last to Fall
Displaced Detective Book 2, The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed, has just been featured
in FrontRowLit!
The International Thriller Writers have featured The Case of the Displaced Detective: The Arrival
and At Speed in their monthly online newsletter, The Big Thrill, along with a featured interview!
Shiny Book Reviewgives The Arrival and At Speed A's!
WUTC Public Radio interviews Stephanie about her Displaced Detective series!
WUTC Public Radio companion audio
Indies Unlimited features The Displaced Detective!
"[The] books are wonderful. They go a step beyond what we think of as Holmes
and take him into the modern day, seamlessly transitioning from Victorian to modern."
~~Dellani Oakes,
author of The Ninja Tattoo and book reviewer at Writer Sanctuary and Dellani's Choice
Dellani's Choice reviews The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed and gives it Five Golden Acorns!
Falling Down the Creative Well talks about Displaced Detective
H.C. Playa reviews At Speed
Bibliotica "smitten," calls the "rich and well developed" Displaced Detective "literary crack"!
Book Plug Friday features The Arrival and At Speed!
Reading Reality says, “These [books] are just plain fun!”
"... Stephanie Osborn in her Displaced Detective series has found a science fiction
– not fantasy – way to bring Sherlock Holmes into our world...this is a Holmes who
has to adjust to being rudely extracted, plunged into the 21st Century with no way
to return...here is the real Homes, at the height of his powers, in 21st Century America,
much as I would imagine he would be...But he’s still Holmes, and I found
the series well worth reading. Recommended."
~~Jerry Pournelle, science fiction master/best-selling author
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