The Case of the Displaced Detective Omnibus
A Displaced Detective Collection (#1)
Containing Books 1-4 of the Series
By Stephanie Osborn
As Seen on CBS Sunday Morning
Writing The Case of the Displaced Detective Series
The Displaced Detective Series is a science fiction mystery series in which the brilliant hyperspatial As Holmes comes up to speed in the modern world, he and Dr. Chadwick team up to solve abstruse, Be sure to contact your local bookstore and ask them to stock Displaced Detective! Music Inspired By My Books
Twilight Times Books announces the release of The Case of the Displaced Detective Omnibus!
This ebook collects the first four books of the series, The Case of the Displaced Detective: The
Arrival, The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed, The Case of the Cosmological Killer:
The Rendlesham Incident, and The Case of the Cosmological Killer: Endings and Beginnings, into one
electronic book!
physicist, Dr. Skye Chadwick, discovers that there are alternate realities, and said alternates
are often populated by those we consider only literary characters. Her pet research, Project:
Tesseract, hidden deep under Schriever AFB, is her means of looking in on these continua. In one
particular reality, continuum 114, a certain Victorian detective (who, in fact, exists in several
continua) was to have died along with his arch-nemesis at the Reichenbach Falls. Knee-jerking,
Skye intervenes, rescuing her hero, who inadvertently flies through the tesseract wormhole
connecting his universe with ours, while his enemy plunges to his death. Unable to send Holmes
back without causing devastating continuum collapse due to non-uniqueness, he must stay in
our world and learn to adapt to the 21st century.
technological mysteries. The series has been aptly described as, "Sherlock Holmes meets the X-Files."
The Displaced Detective Suite
Composer: Dan Hollifield
Also available through Amazon.
Digital download (plus bonus track) available at Bandcamp.
Twilight Times Books | Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Nook | Kobo | Amazon UK |
"...Stephanie Osborn in her Displaced Detective series has found a science fiction "The array of supporting characters, both American and British are equally rich "...These books are like literary crack. I fell in love with her characters and her I'm especially proud of this next review, because that's exactly what I was going for: "It's like you took Holmes out from under a dusty glass dome in a shadowy Victorian The Sherlock Holmes character is moved to a more "modern" setting through an The genre [science fiction] is definitely not one of my favorites and some of I've been a "Sherlockian" for too many years to mention and have been the "[The] books are wonderful. They go a step beyond what we think of as Holmes "...there's a very nifty mystery at the heart of the story...(all) questions will be answered, I've been a member of the Nashville Scholars [of the Three-Pipe Problem] since 1987. Not so with Stephanie Osborn, our own Boswell (SCAN). And I helped her launch her ~~Jim Hawkins
Become a member of the Displaced Detective Street Team! Help fans promote this awesome series! Swag surprise! Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie, a wonderful artisan fragrance boutique, More to come...
Copyright 2013 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.
-- not fantasy -- way to bring Sherlock Holmes into our world...this is a Holmes who
has to adjust to being rudely extracted, plunged into the 21st Century with no way
to is the real Holmes, at the height of his powers, in 21st Century
America, much as I would imagine he would be...But he's still Holmes, and I found
the series well worth reading. Recommended."
~~Jerry Pournelle, science fiction master/best-selling author
"...I have serious Sherlockian cred, so when I tell you that I absolutely LOVED
Stephanie Osborn's Displaced Detective series, you should know that it comes
from a place of vast reading experience... I was smitten with her version
of Holmes, who springs off the page as a fully-realized character in his own
right...Dr. Skye Chadwick is pretty impressive herself. Smart, funny, talented --
she's the kind of woman many of us who were geek girls before being a geek
was cool wanted to become.
and well developed (I really love Braeden Ryker), but characters aren't the
only element of any story, there has to be a compelling plot as well, and these
mysteries have that in spades...Osborn's writing makes a tesseract that
connects real and fictional continua seem completely plausible.
world so completely that I've been telling all my friends 'YOU MUST READ THESE!'
And yes, I've been doing so in all caps."
~~Melissa A. Bartell, Bibliotica
over the years, Holmes has become a stereotype of sorts, and I wanted to make him
real for people again. According to Esther Willson, I managed it:
parlor crammed with momentos[sic] and knick-knacks and gave him a new lease on life.
Skye is cool too and their relationship helps make the multiverse a less lonely place."
~~Esther Willson, reader
unusual event and "redesigns" himself to accommodate the new period. His
Victorian "self" is radically altered, yet the qualities so treasured, remain.
He marries, drives automobiles and wears clothing appropriate for his new
environment, however, he is still "the old Holmes," chivalrous and practical.
the settings startle, but, overall it is a superb idea and believably
constructed. An 1800's man "ripped" from his world and "dropped" into ours.
The concept is "most worthy." Written to entertain; it succeeded with me.
recipient of numerous "pastiches" articles and manuscripts. Some were "OK"
and some were "terrible"! This is in a category "to itself." It is "REALLY good"!
~~Bill Markie aka Webley, Nashville Scholars of the Three-Pipe Problem
and take him into the modern day, seamlessly transitioning from Victorian to modern."
~~Dellani Oakes,
author of The Ninja Tattoo and book reviewer at Writer Sanctuary and Dellani's Choice
thoroughly and enjoyably, but as in most Holmesian mysteries, they only lead to more
and broader questions...the deepening friendship between (physicist) Chadwick and Holmes
helps to keep the reader focused while giving Holmes an understandable motivation to fully
integrate himself into our present-day reality."
~~Shiny Book Review gave THE ARRIVAL an A-Plus!
I am the Keeper of the Ritual, and the web designer for
I get Sherlockian books in the mail from lots of people eager to use our website as a
launching pad for their books. Often I am disappointed in what I read, feeling that the
author really has little understanding of what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was all about
with his Sherlock Holmes stories.
double book story about Holmes in the future not just because she IS a rocket scientist,
but because she has a firm grasp of storytelling, character, dialogue, and imagination.
She also understands how to handle Holmes in plotting his actions in another time. I
found The Case of the Displaced Detective a marvelous read, and will relish further
Sherlockian stories from this talented writer.
Member of Nashville Scholars, a Sherlock Holmes society.
Employed by Southwest Airlines since 2001.
A Nashville, TN resident since 1985.ANNOUNCEMENTS:
YOW!!! Science fiction master, best-selling author Jerry Pournelle
read and reviewed the Displaced Detective series on his blog,
Chaos Manor! He calls the series, "Recommended"!
Dr. Amy H. Sturgis, author and professor of History, has promoted the
Displaced Detective books yet again! This time they are featured in her
article, "Sherlock Holmes and Science Fiction, in issue #10 of Sherlock Holmes
Mystery Magazine!
and I have collaborated on a series of perfumes based on the Displaced Detective series!
We have Watson, a men's fragrance; 221b, a women's fragrance (think Skye!), and
Elementary Chapter 4, Holmes' own scent, which men AND women can wear! (If you're
THE Woman, that is!)
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