A Case of Spontaneous Combustion
A Displaced Detective Novel (#5)
By Stephanie Osborn
A Case of Spontaneous Combustion has won BRONZE in the 2014 AuthorsdB cover contest!
[NOTE: Displaced Detective Series is moving to a new publisher;
please be patient while we re-release them AND add more!]
The Displaced Detective series is switching homes! We're moving to Enigma House Press, the mystery imprint of Hydra Publications! Stay tuned!
About A Case of Spontaneous Combustion
When an entire village on the Salisbury Plain is wiped out in an apparent case of mass spontaneous combustion, Once in London, Holmes looks into the horror that is now Stonegrange. His investigations take him into a Meanwhile, alone in Colorado, Skye battles raging wildfires and tames a wild mustang stallion, all while believing Who -- or what -- caused the horror in Stonegrange? Will Holmes find his way safely through the metaphorical The Displaced Detective Series by Stephanie Osborn is a science fiction mystery series in which hyperspatial Be sure to contact your local bookstore and ask them to stock the Displaced Detective series! Music Inspired By My Books
Her Majesty's Secret Service contacts The Holmes Agency to investigate. Unfortunately Sherlock Holmes and
his wife, Dr. Skye Chadwick-Holmes, have just had their first serious fight, over her abilities and attitudes
as an investigator. To make matters worse, he is summoned to England in the middle of the night, and she is
not -- and due to the invocation of the National Security Act in the summons, he cannot even wake her and
tell her.
dangerous undercover assignment in search of a possible terror ring, though he cannot determine how a human
agency could have caused the disaster. There, he works hard to pass as a recent immigrant and manual laborer
from a certain rogue Mideastern nation as he attempts to uncover signs of the terrorists.
her husband has abandoned her.
minefield that is modern Middle Eastern politics? Will Skye subdue Smoky before she is seriously hurt? Will this
predicament seriously damage -- even destroy -- the couple's relationship? And can Holmes stop the terrorists
before they unleash their outre weapon again?
physicist Dr. Skye Chadwick discovers alternate realities which are often populated by those we consider only
literary characters. In continuum 114, a certain Victorian detective (who, in fact, exists in several continua)
was to have died along with his arch-nemesis at the Reichenbach Falls. Knee-jerking, Skye intervenes, rescuing
her hero Sherlock Holmes, who inadvertently flies through the wormhole connecting his universe with ours. Unable
to send Holmes back without causing devastating continuum collapse, he must stay in our world and adapt to the
21st century. Hijinks ensue, and the series has been aptly described as "Sherlock Holmes meets the X-Files,"
as he and Chadwick take on modern spy rings, UFOs, mass spontaneous combustion, and more.
The Displaced Detective Suite
Composer: Dan Hollifield
Also available through Amazon.
Digital download (plus bonus track) available at Bandcamp.
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"... Stephanie Osborn in her Displaced Detective series has found a science fiction "...I have serious Sherlockian cred, so when I tell you that I absolutely LOVED "The array of supporting characters, both American and British are equally rich "...These books are like literary crack. I fell in love with her characters and her "What I really love about this series is that Osborn bases her mysteries in real Wouldn't you want Sherlock Holmes as a friend? Let's see, loyal, charming, Combine the embodiment of these traits, your own feelings, no risk (despite ALL of the characters are well developed. ALL of the situations are possible as "...Even better than I expected! The characters have grown and developed over the
Become a member of the Displaced Detective Street Team! Help fans promote this awesome series! Swag surprise! Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie, a wonderful artisan fragrance boutique, 15 April 2014
Cover art reveal!
8 May 2014
The cover art has been featured on BookTown!
8 December 2014
More and more honors! The book has been cameo'ed TWICE this year in Chris Muir's More to come...
Copyright 2013 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.
-- not fantasy -- way to bring Sherlock Holmes into our world...this is a Holmes who
has to adjust to being rudely extracted, plunged into the 21st Century with no way
to return...here is the real Holmes, at the height of his powers, in 21st Century
America, much as I would imagine he would be...But he's still Holmes, and I found
the series well worth reading. Recommended."
~~Jerry Pournelle, science fiction master/best-selling author
Stephanie Osborn's Displaced Detective series, you should know that it comes
from a place of vast reading experience... I was smitten with her version
of Holmes, who springs off the page as a fully-realized character in his own
right...Dr. Skye Chadwick is pretty impressive herself. Smart, funny, talented --
she's the kind of woman many of us who were geek girls before being a geek
was cool wanted to become.
and well developed (I really love Braeden Ryker), but characters aren't the
only element of any story, there has to be a compelling plot as well, and these
mysteries have that in spades...Osborn's writing makes a tesseract that
connects real and fictional continua seem completely plausible.
world so completely that I've been telling all my friends 'YOU MUST READ THESE!'
And yes, I've been doing so in all caps."
~~Melissa A. Bartell, Bibliotica, for books 1-4
(if sometimes theoretical) science, and that she relays the science in ways that
are easy for people like me, who were music and theater majors, to understand
...It's worth noting, also, that the relationship they have is absolutely true to the
characters Osborn has created, and that these are genre-defying science-fiction/
mysteries and not romance novels."
~~Melissa A. Bartell, Bibliotica, for A Case of Spontaneous Combustion
witty, intelligent, perceptive, artistic, kind, inventive, dedicated, honest,
clever, modest and trustworthy; uh, yeah, I'd want him as MY friend.
vividly described harrowing situations) AND add in absolutely splendid
entertainment. The sum is this latest contribution by Stephanie Osborn.
today's science "fact" is yesterday's science "fiction". The concept is fresh and
ingenious; fantastic, yet believable. The truly virtuous have arrived and we're
the benefactors!
~~Bill Markie, member, Scholars of the Three-Pipe Problem
course of the series -- Book 5 reveals just how much...The story is amazing, sweeping
the reader along as the action and adventure progresses. Within the first few pages,
I was hooked! ...Thank you, Stephanie! This is the best one yet!"
~~Dan Hollifield, Aphelion webzineANNOUNCEMENTS:
and I have collaborated on a series of perfumes based on the Displaced Detective series!
We have Watson, a men's fragrance; 221b, a women's fragrance (think Skye!), and
Elementary Chapter 4, Holmes' own scent, which men AND women can wear! (If you're
THE Woman, that is!)
Day By Day webcomic, and now the wonderful cover art, created by Darrell Osborn,
is a FINALIST in the AuthorsdB Annual Cover Art contest!
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