The Fetish
By Stephanie Osborn
Science Fiction short story The Fetish By Stephanie Osborn
Is A 2013 EPIC Award (EPPIE) Finalist!
In Burnout: The mystery of Space Shuttle STS-281, Dr. Mike Anders buys a
ISBN: 9781476302546
PURCHASING Writing The Fetish
Burnout: The mystery of Space Shuttle STS-281 was my first book, begun while And readers have begged for more. And so I am working on a sequel, tentatively So by way of saying to my fans, "Be patient, I'm getting there," I thought Enjoy! More to come...
NAVIGATION Copyright 2011 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.
small spaceman fetish from a Zuni elder at a trading post. But there's a story
behind this little lapis spaceman carving. What is it, and how did it come to be?
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(also Sony)Smashwords
I was still working the Shuttle program. It took a long time to write because I
was so close to it that I had to periodically back off and get some emotional
distance. After all, I was writing about a disaster - exactly what I did
NOT want to see happen in real life. It did, of course, despite my precautions
to write something different. I guess sometimes it IS possible to know too much.
called Escape Velocity. But I never intended for Burnout to be anything other
than a standalone story, not initially. But when I'd finished, my publisher
and I realized the story wasn't over. So I'm working on that sequel, but it's
still too close to losing my friend - made more poignant by recently talking
to one of the coroners who worked the field examinations.
I'd put this out for you to read. And if you aren't one of my fans yet, check
it out. It's a short story, inexpensive, and therefore isn't a large investment
of time or money. And you just might find you like it.
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