How I Wrote My First Book
The Story Behind The Story
An Anthology
Anne K. Edwards and Lida E. Quillen, Editors
Twenty Twilight Times Books authors talk about the efforts that went into writing their
first book. Packed with terrific advice and dozens of tips regarding creative writing.
Christine Amsden - "My Million Words of Crap"
Darrell Bain - "The Story Behind The Pet Plague"
Bob Boan - "How I Came to Write Bobby becomes Bob"
Mayra Calvani - "Tips on Writing Your First Novel"
D Jason Cooper - "Understanding Numerology"
Lee Denning - "Two Beginnings"
Susan Goldsmith - "How I Wrote Abithica"
Ginger Hanson - "Ten Lessons I Learned from Writing Quest for Vengeance"
Toby Fesler Heathcotte - "The Manuscript from a Mystifying Source"
Darby Karchut - "Wings"
Linda Langwith - "The Serendipity Factor"
Aaron Lazar - "The Writing of Double Forté"
Celia A. Leaman - "Writing Mary's Child"
Beverly Stowe McClure - "How I Wrote Shadows on the Desert"
Gerald Mills - "How I Wrote No Place for Gods"
Erica Miner - "How I Wrote Travels With My Lovers"
Stephanie Osborn - "How a Rocket Scientist Becomes a Writer"
Bob Rich - "How I Came to Write Novels"
Dorothy Skarles - "Tales of Intrigue, Adventure and Learning"
Dan Starr - "A Solution and a Seed: Novel Writing as Growing a Crystal"
ISBN: 978-1-60619-149-1
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