Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse
A Gentleman Aegis Novel (#1)
By Stephanie Osborn
Announcement: Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse
Official Release Date: November 1
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse, book 1 in the Gentleman Aegis series, is a romp Holmes and Watson. Two names forever linked by mystery and danger from the beginning. Within the first year of their friendship and while both are young men, Holmes and Watson Professor Willingham Whitesell makes an appeal to Holmes' unusual skill set and a request. Be sure to contact your local bookstore and ask them to stock the Gentleman Aegis series!
"I have always loved Sherlock Holmes stories. As a teen, I read The Hound "I've been a fan of Stephanie Osborn's Displaced Detective series since I "...Holmes and Watson are plagued with problems and diversions before they
26 October 2015
Cover art reveal!
3 November 2015
The purchase links are LIVE!
Here's the link to the official press release.
8 November 2015
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse is a pulp bestseller on Amazon! YAY!
19 December 2015
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse is featured by AUTHORSdB!
27 December 2015
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse is up for Best Mystery in the Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll!
23 January 2016
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse made the Top Ten Best Mystery Novels in the 2015 Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll!
More to come...
Copyright 2015 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-51888-312-5
About Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse
through the early Holmes & Watson collaboration.
are still finding their way in the world, with all the troubles that such young men usually have:
Financial straits, troubles of the female persuasion, hazings, misunderstandings between friends,
and more. Watson's Afghan wounds are still tender, his health not yet fully recovered, and there
can be no consideration of his beginning a new practice as yet. Holmes, in his turn, is still
struggling to found the new profession of consulting detective. Not yet truly established in
London, let alone with the reputations they will one day possess, they are between cases and
at loose ends when Holmes' old professor of archaeology contacts him.
Holmes is to bring Watson to serve as the dig team's physician and come to Egypt at once to
translate hieroglyphics for his prestigious archaeological dig. There in the wilds of the
Egyptian desert, plagued by heat, dust, drought and cobras, the team hopes to find the
very first Pharaoh. Instead, they find something very different...
of the Baskervilles and was immediately hooked. As an adult, I continue to
read or watch stories featuring Holmes, whether from the eyes of Mary
Russell (Laurie R. King) or those of the modern day Sherlock in Stephanie
Osborn's The Displaced Detective series. To date, I have been particularly
enamored with the contemporary BBC series featuring Sherlock Holmes,
and anticipate each new episode's release.But now I have a new favorite --
The Gentleman Aegis series, starting with book 1:
Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse.
"It's almost like going full circle, because this book is written in a style
unique to the Victorian era, not unlike that first Sherlock book I read
as a youth. Aside from a riveting good tale, replete with a wonderful
mystery steeped in ancient cultures and vibrant personalities, this book
stands out from the usual offerings in contemporary fiction...
"Bravo, Ms. Osborn, and thank you for a beautifully rendered book."
~Aaron Paul Lazar, Murder By 4
reviewed the first one in the series as part of a blog tour several years
ago. Her writing is always engaging and well-researched, and even when
she's playing with familiar characters, she manages to put her own spin on
them, while still remaining true to the original author's vision. When I was
offered a chance to read this book, Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's
Curse, you'd better believe I jumped at the chance.
"I'm so glad I did...
"...If you love classic Sherlock Holmes adventures, you will love this book,
but if your only experience with the Great Detective is only through the BBC
show (or the American Elementary...) you will likely enjoy it, too."
~Melissa Bartell for Bibliotica
even reach the site, and the tempo only increases as the investigators
get closer to a secret that could change the entire Victorian world. Add
the natural and cultural hazards of archaeological work in Egypt,
personal rivalries among the researchers, and the professor's daughter,
who remembers Holmes very differently than he remembers her. The result
is a fast-paced book, written entertainingly in a Victorian style very
reminiscent of reading the Canon."
~Dr. James K. Woosley, for According to HoytPURCHASING
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