The Weather Out There Is Frightful
Solar/Space Weather and
What It Means for the Earth and You
By Stephanie Osborn
Our Sun is an active star. It may even be a variable star. Sunspots, flares,
As those who follow me on Facebook know, I keep up with solar weather and provide aurora alerts. Enjoy! More to come...
Copyright 2011 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.
coronal mass ejections, all are signs of its activity. What kind of effect
does it have on Earth? Other than the occasional sunburn, could it be
dangerous? Has it been dangerous in the past? What can we expect in the
near future?.PURCHASING
Amazon Kindle
Amazon UK Kindle
Barnes-Noble Nook
Writing The Weather Out There Is Frightful
So many people were so curious about the subject, asking countless questions, that I decided
to blog about it. And the blog articles got so many hits, I thought, oh heck, I'll collect 'em,
elaborate on 'em, add some more information (over a whole chapter's worth!), and stick it out
there as a monograph.
Thank you, Chromosphere Press, for doing it!
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