Darrell Bain, multiple Eppie Award winner, and Stephanie Osborn, author of the science fiction
mystery Burnout: The Mystery of Space Shuttle STS-281, have collaborated on the third
science fiction novel in the Cresperia series, The Cresperian Alliance. Osborn's mentor, Travis
"Doc" Taylor, and Bain co-authored the first novel of the series, Human By Choice, published by
Twilight Times Books. When the time came for the second book of the series to be written,
Dr. Taylor was unavailable, so Mr. Bain and Lida Quillen, Publisher of Twilight Times Books,
tapped Stephanie. Now the pair goes on to the third novel in the series!
The series concerns the first contact between the pacifistic natives of Cresperia, whose planetary
government is a loose political anarchy, and the inhabitants of Earth. The Cresperians have a unique ability
to tap into the quantum foam, not only to read general impressions of events, situations, and emotions,
but to manipulate certain aspects of their reality - up to and including their own forms and the forms
of humans for whom they care. This ability to manipulate the humans includes healing and delaying
aging, both highly desired abilities, making them valuable "commodities." Upon crash-landing
on Earth in the first novel, several of the "Crispies" take human form and must contend with the strange
customs and political environments of Earth.
The Y Factor picks up where Human By Choice leaves off, with the international race to obtain
Crispies and Crispy technology. But there's a catch. Crispies are delicately balanced creatures, and not all
of the nations after them - good OR bad - understand just HOW delicate. Can they even survive, let alone
thrive, on Earth? And what if more Crispies come? What happens then? And who - or what - else is
out there?
The Cresperian Alliance, the third novel, sees the return of Earth's first starships from Cresperia,
and an alliance formed between the advanced, but peace-loving, Cresperians, and the more
volatile humans. But now there's another race involved, allied with neither. And the Snappers,
while advanced, aren't so friendly or peace-loving. Will the Snappers decide to expand
their interplanetary empire? If so, in what direction...? What should Cresperia do? What should
Earth do? And will the Cresperian alliance hold, should the worst happen?
The Cresperian Alliance is a fascinating continuation in an exciting and popular science fiction series.

3 September 2009
The Cresperian Alliance has been accepted by Twilight Times! Contract
negotiations are in work. Date of e-book release is dependent upon the print
release of The Y Factor.

4 September 2009
The tentative publication date for the ebook version is January 15, 2010.
The tentative publication date for the trade paperback version is July 15, 2010.

15 January 2010
The Cresperian Alliance has been released as an ebook!

25 March 2010
The Cresperian Alliance is #4 on Fictionwise's
Science Fiction list,
and #23 on their overall best-seller list!

More to come...

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Copyright 2009 Stephanie Osborn. All rights reserved.